Medical Imaging
Medical imaging is an important step in proper diagnosis of your pet. Our clinic is equipped with digital radiology as well as an ultrasound to be able to visualize and evaluate your pet's internal organs.

Our clinic is equipped with a digital radiography machine which can help identify fractured or broken bones, foreign bodies, physiological abnormalities, tumors and more. It is also a great tool for fetal counts in pregnant animals.

Similar to radiographs, our ultrasound machine helps us diagnose a multitude of issues, such as identifying organ abnormalities, detecting tumors that aren't visible on xray, bladder stones, free fluid, etc. We also frequently use our ultrasound to confirm pregnancies and the viability of the fetuses.

Dental Radiology
Dental radiology is a vital tool when it comes to dental procedures, as it can help identify issues that are under the gum line and not visible to the naked eye. This prevents us from missing underlying issues and helps us correct the them all in one procedure.